tools of war

Technological advances have brought new weapons or tools of war to the forefront in each US conflict: network predators, e-bombs, stryker teams, Apache Longbows, chem.-bio killers, bunker-busters and anti-missile forces. The Us has strong air power, sea carriers armed with tons of munitions and land special forces. These weapons are useless, however, against the spiritual conflict being waged everyday.

Paul reminded us in 2 Corinthians 10:4-6 that we are in a war with Satan and the also reasoning of this age. Because this war is spiritual, we cannot engage in a battle with human methods. We must fight with tools of war that are supernatural and so powerful they can destroy seemingly impregnable fortresses where evil is entrenched in our lives and in our communities.

With God’s mighty weapons of righteousness, truth, and humility, we conquer any human act or attitude that is an obstacle to the knowledge of Jesus and keeps people bondage to sin. What are some false reasoning and arrogant ideas that prevent us from experiencing and knowing God better?

Atheism says there is no God. Agnosticism says we can’t be certain there is a God. Deism says God is an absentee God. Pantheism says everything is in God and God is in everything. Humanism says we are God. What false reasoning! We are called to expose, overpower, and take captive every rebellious idea, every lie, and every arrogant pretension, and teach people to obey Jesus.

He alone is the righteousness and truth of God. He is the standard by which ideas, attitude, and actions are judged. Jesus is our provider of power and truth. He is our tools of war.-Marvin Williams

Questioning God

It had been a near-perfect day. Jeff and Sarah, a newly married couple returning from a popular Ohio amusement park where they had defied gravity.

As it turned out, they were safer at the park than on the expressway. After 3 hours of driving, Jeff fell asleep at the wheel. When the car slammed into an embankment, Sarah suffered a badly broken back.

“She’ll never walk again,” one surgery.” That was in July. By Christmas, Sarah was using a walker. Her dramatic improvement continues to astound physicians.

Both Jeff and Sarah tell how God has used this situation to strengthen their faith and to teach them the power of prayer. But Jeff is blunt about his reaction to their personal catastrophe. “I can see how God has used us to bless other people.” he says “and that’s a good thing. But I never would have chosen his.”

Many of us have a limited view of God and seek to find out what He can do for us. Then we’re surprised when he seems to act contrary to our interest.

The heroes of the Bible were no different. When Jeremiah tried to warn the people of God’s judgment for their sins, he faced such fierce opposition that he feared fro his life. “O Lord, You deceived me,” He was continually persecuted for his obedience to God.

We will not be exempt from mistakes this side of heaven. Despite God’s remarkable answers to prayer, we will continue to face difficulties. “ In this world you will have trouble,” Jesus promised (John 16:33). “But take heart! I have overcome the world.”- Tim Gustafson